
Traefik v2.3.2 Configuration

View the Project on GitHub lbarbaglia/traefik2-config

Traefik v2.3.2 configuration

This is the docker compose and configuration for an instance of Traefik v2.3.2

You can find a quick draft for v1.7 configuration on an older commit


Be careful as the Traefik dashboard is configured as insecure. You can comment line 20 of traefic.toml to prevent this behavior


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Uncomment and replace <mail> in traefik.toml by your email for Let’s Encrypt
  3. Create an empty “acme.json” file at the base of this folder. Then set the correct permissions.
    touch acme.json & chmod 600 acme.json

    Let’s Encrypt is requiring an acme.json file to store certificates. Click here to know more

  4. Add these labels to your docker compose service and Traefik will automatically add them.
    Don’t forget to replace:
    • <domain name> by the domain name of the service
    • <service> by your service name
    • <port> by the service’s port you want Traefik to redirect to (optional)
    - traefik.http.routers.<service>.rule=Host("<domain name>")
    - traefik.http.routers.<service>.tls=true
    - traefik.http.routers.<service>.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt
    - traefik.http.routers.<service>.entrypoints=web-secure
    - traefik.enable=true

Required labels:

Redirect incoming requests to <domain name>. Details on Traefik rules here

traefik.http.routers.<service>.rule=Host("<domain name>")

Enable tls on the service:


Use certresolver letsencrypt configured in traefik.toml:


Accept requests from web-secure entrypoint only:


More info here:


Optional labels:

Redirect incoming traffic to port <port> of the service:<service>.loadbalancer.server.port=<port>
  1. Create an docker network with this command:
    docker network create web

  2. Add this at the end of your docker-compose file (you have to add it for every different docker-compose file)

    external: true
  1. Add the service to the network:

The network web enable traefik instance to communicate with other services from different docker-composes

  1. Once everything is done, launch the traefik instance from traefik-config folder.
    docker-compose up

Congratulation, you can now access the Traefik dashboard on port 8080 of your server/PC!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue or a pull request.